"Senecta perfidiaque iuventutem facultatemque semper superabunt"

Gallery 3 - 2002 Dinner and Dance

Well, what a great season......here's a few pics of the superb dinner, dance and awards evening for 2002. Not necessarily all Old Farts - but all good fun to be with.......roll on 2003.

Adam Polczyk and Julie

Adam and his well earned award in the Rookie 400's

Alluny looking smart and confused

Allun attempts to inflate the Colonel's colostomy bag

Pornstar and Alison (where did she get him from?)

Porny again - his face was like that all evening

Our esteemed captain (asleep again) and his long suffering wife Kim

The Colonel and "that suit"

Colonel Sanders bops away on the dance floor

The Rooster with the Mostest struts his stuff

I hope that's a camera Karen's holding Colonel!!

Kenny Burns presents OldGit with some sort of cup thing (well done Kenny)

OldGit wins the award for saving most cuddly walrus's (oh well we can all dream eh?)

Jason Holland tries eating some whelk as Jock, Finski, Ian FFF and The Colonel look on

Oops - the whelk didn't agree with him and it seems Jason has followed through...

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Copyright John Horgan and Team Old Fart members Feb 2002