"Senecta perfidiaque iuventutem facultatemque semper superabunt"

Gallery 2

...as the season progresses...so does the loonacy.....and at the end, no matter what adversity may affect us all (as it did most of us at Snetterton) we've all been there, seen it, got the T-Shirt.

We are true Old Farts with Attitude, and we keep on smiling.......well done lads, all of you - great season, great guys. I'm proud to be one of the team.

Dr. Hillary Saddlebags celebrity chef

JWSB sabotaging the opposition for Allun in the Rookie 400's

The paddock terrorists test fire a rocket

Dodgy geezer developing water drive rocket booster

Launching of MkII rocket

Old Git's offspring - Fred and Alice - sabotaging Rik's bike

Oops - a racing pic, how did that get there?

OldGit chases Neil Ronketti - I got him in the end!!

The latest marshalling fashion accesory

Farty Marshal Kaybee in full regalia

Would a Spottie dare to do this sort of thing?

Captain Walrus - after losing the championship by 2 points, still smiling!

The Colonel with a buggered bike (as usual), still smiling!

Jock after ctrashing at Snetty, in pain but still smiling (well its as good as he can do)!

Team Old Farts (most of us) - and associated marshalls - ALL STILL SMILING!

Blackadder in action at Russells

Chocolate orange anyone?

The Colonel with a new fangled camera thingy

Rik Ballerini - spottie wildcard, but actually an old codger in disguise

It's us again.....

Gallery 3 (2002 Dinner Dance)>>

Email us at: teamoldfart@cyberhog.co.uk

Team Details
Rider Profiles


Copyright John Horgan and Team Old Fart members Feb 2002