"Senecta perfidiaque iuventutem facultatemque semper superabunt"

Gallery 9 - 2004 Dinner Dance.

Not many here I'm afraid - the Spotties won it seems - shame, but well done lads........

General gaggle of people with nothing better to do than....

...eat, drink and be merry

Annie and Lenny put on the cabaret.

Rog tries my missus for size - he gave her back later....

An ugly Scotsman and some of his admirers.

Ooh - Tracey...

Rob Guiver finds Tracie's chassis number.

Rog and Lenny...bloody hell he gets everywhere doesn't he?

Well that's about it for the season.

Sadly there wont be an official championship next year, but I hope to keep the galleries running with race pics of our elderly heroes.

Thanks everyone for taking part and putting the fun back into racing, and good luck all of you for 2005.

Email us at: teamoldfart@cyberhog.co.uk

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Rider Profiles


Copyright John Horgan and Team Old Fart members Feb 2002