"Senecta perfidiaque iuventutem facultatemque semper superabunt"

Gallery 6 - 2003 Dinner Dance

OK - so it's all over for another year. THE FARTS ARE VICTORIOUS - 2003 Champions, winners of the Incontinence Shield for this season.

Well done all of you - Spots and Farts, Marshalls, Mechanics, Scrutineers, Spectators, Mums, Dads...etc. etc. I hope the photos below don't bring back memories of too bad a hangover - and roll on next season.....

Blimey - it's LITTLE RIK !!

There he is again - Freddie in a DJ - now that is a first!

The OLd Farts receive the Incontinence Shield.

Juiliet Manning receives a well deserved award for the Lady Rider of the Year.

The inimitable Karen Higgens - having a quick puff.

Big Bird has a chuckle.

Alluny looking happy, and ratarsed - no change there then.

Captain Walrus lumbers back to his seat with his trophy.

250GP Champion Walrus - well done Lee, a well deserved vistory.

Pornstar gets his ear caught in Alison's watch strap....but struggles free and...

..emerges as....

OldGit and Danny Palmer receive their awards for coping with most adversity.

Jay, OldGit, Danny and the Colonel with their trophies.

There they are again.

A fine body of mature muscle....(and Red)..

..and peerless drinking capacity..ahh that's why Red's there then...

..the Old Farts salute the Spotties in customary fashion.

Karen trying to pick Rik's nose.

The Whelk and the Colonel - sounds like a Disney cartoon doesn't it?


Until next year when battle will recommence - have a great Christmas and New Year everyone.

Email us at: teamoldfart@cyberhog.co.uk

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Copyright John Horgan and Team Old Fart members Feb 2002